Monday, September 15, 2014


YES! A resounding yes,,,including BOT PTSD on C L...
How are you my beanie baby boo boos..
how are the troops in Iraq today? We deployed a week ago last Sunday...
And our General is here,
from Afghanistan.
I am a medium,,,i channel. My favorite is to channel Laura Ohm, my oma.
Weed cures everything. It stops the proliferation of cancer cells.
I want to know what you're feeling. I want to know what you're thinking...
followers email me at!;)...
how are you today?
the better email is seeking seekers... bronze unicorn i got from pig lots when i was seven and the music box porcelain Amy with a white scarlett o'hara dress with blue on her for trim and blue eyes just like me beanie boo boo...
hmmm. do i care to channel right now. not is and channeling it through your bones and mente and chakra..
pray for your leaders daily. it's worked so far, but we're not out yet.
see, obam,,,good move on the five for one trade.
where did that plane go? what was the flight number again?

Monday, September 8, 2014

I suppose that we cannot always live life feeling high.
I would like that it was all just giggles and rainbows and unicorns and cuddling and such, but it is not.
I began doing a five minute energy routine every morning. Well, that was the new health habit I want to incorporate.
I did an energy healing class with Melanie at Project ABLE last Thursday and I had the most amazing weekend.
I resolved to make the five minute energy routine part of my morning.
But, I feel that I only have the energy to do it after I have sufficiently medicated with cannabis.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

So much has happened, I do not even know where to begin.
I am doing alright if you were worried about me.
I was in the state hospital for 77 days and the jail for 12 days. It has been hard to recover from this fresh systems trauma.
I love you all. I am in love with Dean and I want to marry him;).

Monday, February 11, 2013

Does lithium cause tooth decay

311 beautiful disaster...
My daughter, Rachel and I just got back from grocery shopping at Winco. I am really going to miss Rachel when she moves out after graduation.
I worry about my budget a lot. Last night my mom said that they should have online sudoku. I am sure they already do.  But, she was getting excited about technology.
Now I have five dollars a day for milk and bread until Saturday because I just spent 78$ at Winco. It is not easy being a single parent. Me and Rachel make up the menu for the week.
I want to relax and watch some Netflix.  As long as we have enough for food, we are alright. I wonder what it will be like without Rachel here, without her helping with the groceries. I will miss her.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Maybe it's already out there and it's already been done! Maybe others have been through what you are experiencing.Use the blog as a tool to organize your novel.eBook. This is my eBook and I am practicing my craft and getting better at it.
Corey said today that he would just pull out a map and go to a nearby town just to check it out. I would like to do that with my teens Rachel and Jacob.]
Hello, my name is Amy and I am formally introducing myself. Write as though your life depend upon it.
This is your accountabilitiy referral system and it's a cashless system. Satan has one thousand years to reign. And then it's over. Welcome to the Second Coming. Ha ha that' makes me think of Ghost Busters! lmao!
Technology is Powerful but last time I checked computers couldn't breathe. haha that's funny too! that makes me think of Terminator and Arnold Schwarzenegger! lol
Lou and Val are PLANNING on retiring in Oregon in 2-5 years.
I don't need to write to Jason. I can write to my online followers ie myself and soon hopefully my family! and then friends!
Do not despise the day of small beginnings. Proverbs.
Both the kids are in the room and I am joining the blogging revolution! I am graduating from facebook. Everyone should weblog.
That's how you transition death and taxes, through your children. Just a thought!
Check your email daily.
All I am saying is maybe it already exists and someone else has thought of that before. AKA you are not alone.
I remember the phone call I got two days after Valentine's Day. It was a recording of potential jurors for my trial.
Enough PTSD flashbacks.
Jacob and Rachel must blog or no allowance!


I am crying listening to Enya's Caribbean Blue. Life is a struggle. It is opposing energies. The universe started with one atom. Do you believe that?
Do you feel your mother has failed you? Then everyone else is probably failing you too.
The Alan Parsons Project. Eye in the Sky. Do you know how much hell I have been through?
SO, anyways, I started dating this Persian man. He was like, telling me how beautiful I am and calling a few times a day. Now, he has stopped. Very typical of men I have met on Craigslist.
Things Can Only Get Better...Howard Jones! It's amazing how MUSIC AFFECTS THE MOOD!
I'm not looking for anything serious, I simply enjoy dating.
Do I rule out the men who are older and not white on my craigslist search? I don't date outside my race and I don't want a man who is a decade older than me. Been there, done that.
Does it matter if you have followers or not?
Wham! Everything She Wants
Gross! This Tyler guy from Craigslist just said he's always had a fantasy of being with a mother and daughter at the same time. I said "Blech, Bye". So many gross people on the web!
Craigslist dating is harrowing.
"Say a Prayer" Anita Franklin.
Good idea!
Beach Boys, "Wouldn't It Be Nice?" If we were older and I was teaching people how to speaka da English online? What if there is a Greater Purpose or sense of GOOD and belief in a Higher Power? What If I am a Buddhist? What if I am just a Spiritual Being with the Breath of the Holy Spirit inside of me?
I just saw Jamie Foxx and Real Church on Youtube. It was funny.
I don't believe in marriage for me anymore. This is a revelation or spiritual awakening.
California moves WAY faster than Salem, Oregon!.
Information Society: What's on your mind?
Yes, I am psychic and it is a burden and a blessing at the same time. We are all psychic. Psychic comes from the word Psyche and it simply means soul.
Will I find love? Will I make money? Will I be healthy? Will I...
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The universe started with a single atom my son told me. We came from Adam/Atom, get it? That's a cute play on words wouldn't you say?\
I am going to pretend that I am writing to Jason.
Dr. Auerbacher said once I started writing I wouldn't be able to stop!
I want to know, what  you're thinking. There are somethings you can't hide. I want to know what you're feeling. Tell me what's on your mind?
Poppet...she shmeely shmows fantastic shows! me thinks a piratez afoot...achance, aghast aglow! Doesn't it make you think of Pirates of the Carribean with Johnny Depp.
Fine, you are an artist and writing is your craft!
I am scared of facebook since the FBI knocked on my door.
I'm a writer, what do you think I am doing, I am writing!
oh yeah this song rocks. youtube it right now!!! woo hoo!!!
I am getting the chills!
I am mentoring people and volunteering now. Can  you believe that? Maybe we are all famous and important in our own way.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Does lithium cause tooth decay? 420

I am starting a new job selling video emails for Companyflix that you can put in emails, webpages, blogs, facebook, twitter and Youtube.
I started laughing as I was medicating and I thought that everything was going to work out just fine. Doing this job is sales therapy! LOL
So I googled sales therapy and a bunch of interesting things came up.  The internet is so powerful! Or the world wide web as Bill Clinton refers to it and his daughter Chelsea made fun of that with CGI assembly. And Hillary Clinton issued a statement of regret about mental patients being given gonorrhea or syphillis when they left the hospital.
You have to research to make sure that things have not been thought up by other people before.

I am going to be researching Buddhism.
My sister Donajean is back in jail.  She is a dual diagnosis schizophrenic. I feel so badly for her.
Joey I'm Not Angry Anymore by Concrete Blonde
Facebook trains you to blog.
Research Regression Therapy.
I was breathing with my hands over my mouth and saying ohmmmm.

Working from home is a journey for sure. You have to be disciplined.
I mean, I get lonely at home anyways. And I don't want to see people sometimes.  I have PTSD, SAD as well as bipolar.
I have fibromyalgia, psoriasis and unilateral hearing.
So, I am semi-disabled and probably semi-disciplined as well.
I ate a medicated brownie, well actually two, and i am really feeling relaxed in my body, which is helping my chronic pain. I love medical cannabis. Drug or medicine? Or both? Is there a difference?
I don't know. Am I semi-disabled? I suppose so.