Beautiful Girls: by Sean Kingston
The batterer used to sing this to me. He was a bum, mooching off me. The drunk.
I thought today, "What if I had not gone to the hospital or jail since I resigned from teaching?"
Well, for one thing I wouldn't be on disability to begin with. I mean I would have it all together. This is but a symptom of the disorder. Not having one disqualifies, quite simply, the other.
You know, it's not that easy to aspire to be a writer with marijuana.
For the last four years of my strengthening resolve to become a writer, due to my, shall we say, interesting life experiences brought on by my disorder.
I kept thinking, "Oh, I can find some supplemental work online." Yet, did not want to lose my teaching credential and want to keep my record clean. A good name is worth more than gold." Proverbs.
Today I thought it would be nice to keep a rental home in oregon and return to california in 4-5 years. I also want to kayak around the world, quit cigarettes and lose 60 pounds. I am just turned last month, 38 years old.
I am catching up with every 30Rock episode. And I watch it as if I am studying the writer's mind. Just like the movie Funny Farm with Chevy Chase I watched the other day.
Does lithium cause tooth decay? No, I would say it helps cure it because it stabilizes mood, causing one to be more prone to take care of hygiene. Since I have been stable on the lithium, I have been taking care of my teeth.
I imagine myself as the writer I am, and the writer I want to become.
I imagine myself and my intuition, knowing that the pen may just be mightier than the mental disorder.
I feel the noise and vibes and emotions around me. I am Tina Fey, I tell myself, comedy writer extraordinaire.
Dad was a funny man.
If I made a sitcom it would be Dan Loves Jean. And it would be about my parent's love affair. How they met and everything. It would span 3 decades. From the beginning of the 70s to just after 9-11-01.
So every three and a half seasons it would span a decade of their marriage.
How does Tina Fey maintain that level of energy? They must live on lattes. Or massive dubes. or some mad combination of the two.who wants or needs to live like that?
In order to write comedy, imagine yourself erasing any possibility of an lol on a written sentence. Just wait, it gets funnier.
It's like telling someone not to laugh until milk comes squirting out their nose. Now that's comedy.
I'm going to shut the computer down and make my son do his homework first thing. If I don't shut it down, he's right on it.
I hate the teenage years.