Monday, September 15, 2014


YES! A resounding yes,,,including BOT PTSD on C L...
How are you my beanie baby boo boos..
how are the troops in Iraq today? We deployed a week ago last Sunday...
And our General is here,
from Afghanistan.
I am a medium,,,i channel. My favorite is to channel Laura Ohm, my oma.
Weed cures everything. It stops the proliferation of cancer cells.
I want to know what you're feeling. I want to know what you're thinking...
followers email me at!;)...
how are you today?
the better email is seeking seekers... bronze unicorn i got from pig lots when i was seven and the music box porcelain Amy with a white scarlett o'hara dress with blue on her for trim and blue eyes just like me beanie boo boo...
hmmm. do i care to channel right now. not is and channeling it through your bones and mente and chakra..
pray for your leaders daily. it's worked so far, but we're not out yet.
see, obam,,,good move on the five for one trade.
where did that plane go? what was the flight number again?

Monday, September 8, 2014

I suppose that we cannot always live life feeling high.
I would like that it was all just giggles and rainbows and unicorns and cuddling and such, but it is not.
I began doing a five minute energy routine every morning. Well, that was the new health habit I want to incorporate.
I did an energy healing class with Melanie at Project ABLE last Thursday and I had the most amazing weekend.
I resolved to make the five minute energy routine part of my morning.
But, I feel that I only have the energy to do it after I have sufficiently medicated with cannabis.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

So much has happened, I do not even know where to begin.
I am doing alright if you were worried about me.
I was in the state hospital for 77 days and the jail for 12 days. It has been hard to recover from this fresh systems trauma.
I love you all. I am in love with Dean and I want to marry him;).