Saturday, August 20, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

Today is Saturday, August 20th, 2011...
So, the question is: Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?
What is lithium? What does it do for you? Some people have explained it as a naturally occuring salt. Ancient Greeks used to bathe in lithium pools to stimulate a stable mood. Lithium is the gold standard for bipolar disorder.

But enough about lithium.
Does cigarette smoking cause tooth decay? Overwhelming scientific evidence says yes, it does.
I need to get at least one implant and I cannot do that if I am a smoker. I basically had almost 42 days on the patch. Tonight, my niece was pushing all my buttons with her ADHD and refusal to get on medication. So, I went and bought some Marlboro menthol lights and smoked a few...
I am getting off track.
No, the lithium does not cause tooth decay. It causes us to remain stable so that we can make better decisions such as quitting smoking. People with mental health disorders are twice as likely to smoke cigarettes as a "normal" person.
Next Wednesday I have a medical appointment with my subscriber, Tim.
I am going to add Trazedone and Clonodine to my medicine regimine along with lithium.
Trazedone and Clonodine will help me get some sleep at night.
The Clonodine will help with high blood pressure.
I went to get on the birth control pill today at Marion County Health Department and she is one of a few medical providers who has told me that I have high blood pressure. I do not want to die of heart disease or a stroke!

So, here I am at 3:25 in the morning, thinking that I need to quit smoking.  I wanted to go to the YMCA at noon and do yoga. Now I feel like crap because I smoked and I want another one.

Is the following a fictional story or fact?
I told my niece that I never try the same tactic with people who I feel threatened by. She ran to the local pub and I went to pick her up there because she has a major drinking problem just like her mother.
I waited outside the establishment in my car. She had met a man named Robert who came out to my vehicle to tell me that my niece was sorry. He told me he sang karaoke after we engaged in conversation.
I think that Project ABLE and STEP need a karaoke machine.

I am running out of money. I need to make some sales for this company I began working for because it is commission based.
I am going out into the community and meeting with business owners. I am going to hand them my business card with
I think that by adding the personal touch, I will generate more sales.
I am excited.
My mother came to town and purchased an XBox 360 for my birthday.

I cannot stand my niece. She is really and truly ungrateful and I am sick of her shenanigans.
More than one person on the psychiatric crisis line told me that she is using me and that it is not just a condition of her ADHD.
Why, oh why, is she in denial about her medication?
 I just cannot take it anymore.

Wish me luck dear reader. I will be in touch. I sincerely need your deep felt thoughts and prayers.

*MentalHealthDepot: Rebuilding America One Brain at a Time!

Hey, don't you think the karaoke machine is a good idea?

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