Thursday, September 8, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

I am feeling depressed today. When people are depressed they do not want to brush their teeth. I have not brushed my teeth yet this morning.
I do not want to go to my writer's circle. I do not want to go to sing with the choir.
So what did I do?
I called my mentor with Project ABLE, Dale. We spoke for eighteen minutes until we hung up.
I spoke with my boyfriend Steve. We are going to work on selling authority websites through
I started smoking cigarettes a couple of days ago.
I am very upset about my daughter Rachel. I am long done with my niece so I am not worried about that...
Do you feel your depression?
Are you capable of charting your moods?
There should be some sort of online mood charting would be an easy application to facebook or emails.
I think that emails are better than facebook. Facebook has this automatic sort of manic quality to it. It's like, all of a sudden, people who I thought I'd never speak to again! wooaaaah. they are still out there!
But it really should move toward the private email.

I have a master's degree in educational administration, yet do I have anything?
This morning in my car, a thought came to me, "Amy, society desperately needs you. You are highly educated. You have something to offer."\
Then, the negative thought came about why do they keep prosecuting me? I hate living in Salem Asylum sometimes.
Well, I heard that the Oregon State Hospital got 700 new beds and that if you have a misdemeanor they cannot keep you longer than a few days now. Someone from ROCC< regional outreach community center told me that.
They need more connectivity between the ROCC, ABLE and STEP. I mean seriously, why has it taken me almost three years to begin to get a little bit more comfortable with agencies designed to help me out there.
These programs, by denying easy community link in, are obviously very ineffecicntly run.
I just applied for a consultative trainer in efficiency for Pacific Efficiency. And I do so enjoy working for todays growth consultant .com just still fishing for a salaried position. The average person searches for nine months to find one in this economy.

But people are still out there working are they not?
Those with unilateral hearing, fibromylagia, asthma, bipolar disorder and PTSD. Do you need us do you want us? The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation is taking over six months to even begin helping me find a job. Is that efficient?> They are claiming that people with disabilities make better employees because they are more motivated to stay with the job once they get hired because it was even that much more difficult for them to obtain.\
So by making us wait they prove their point....suffer little ones, suffer, we will release the light at the end of the tunnel after you've learned a few more lessons about how leprous you are for being disabled. ugh. excuse my negative slant.\
And I have such a negative outlook today. Because I am depressed...
I like my new boyfriend though.

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