Monday, November 7, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

i guess i'll go post # 8 or is it 9? on my
Does lithium cause tooth decay?
They want to put it in the water because suicide rates went down in japan when they did.
i lost the last half upper portion of my #19 molar. oh well. and i lost #4. the baterrer wouldn't let me brush my teeth for two years:(. but i still have the rest of em and paid for a lot of work with my careington dental plan i finally found and AARP dental coverage finally in january with medicare. it sucks.
i read some statistic that the majority of adults have lost at least one tooth. :(. i am going copy this and begin my blog this way today...

This is an email i sent to my online bf rob stoud who i have not met yet. he is hot;)

i lost the last half of my #19 molar two nights ago.

i went on cl and found a prison guard and he offered to take me out to dinner.
he says, bragging on the phone, "and i still have all my teeth."
yeah, food for the fodder.
the number one overall indicator of health is your goddamn smile. you simply build your government pension away and have your nice teeth while millions upon millions rot away because of lack of health care!
a man i broke up with sent me teleflora flower arrangement. it looks good in the dumpster.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay

I lost the last half of my #19 tooth last night. Thank God I had a few vicodins left and was able to take one!
Yes, it was painful. So i will just wait to get a bridge later for #20, 19 and 18, but i don't want 18 to be replaced with a cap for a bridge. Same thing with #4 up top that i lost on a pretzel down in cali while i was role playing I am a CIA agent.
I don't want to file #5.
there is 300 million dollars worth of lithium in Afghanistan...

lithium is the gold standard for treating bipolar disorder. i want to bathe in the lithium pools in Ashland someday!

I thought I had to get a no stalking order against my ex bf .
He came to my home when i instructed him not to!And he told the maintenance manager who stepped in for my protection, Tim, that I have mental issues. And that he was my power of attorney and SOMEONE was going to jail. But i already had police contact and have the Case # in case i still have to go to the courthouse for the no stalking order.
This morning when I woke up I felt the soul tie broken. It felt so free!
He was my Captain Save a Ho (U40 rap artist coined that phrase). He was my captain save a ho for my xfinity cable bill.
I owe them for equipment and one month of services because I had to leave manic from that residence when my ex who went to prison for beating me was getting out. I was terrified. They say I owe them 388$ so i got majic jack,,,a great deal 150$ for 5 years. and clear looks like it's around 60$ a month. With xbox live and netflix, that's 80$ a month for internet and xbox and netflix.

lithium causes lack of concentration and confusion....
it is stored in the hypothalmus gland.

random: it is the american diaspora.
RE your comment that you haven't met anyone on cl for a while who was decent....
i've been BURNED more than once!

as regards to my online experience. i told you i was single for a year before steven.
before him i was dating wayne (who i met online cl a month and a half after the Officer Mikkola shooting incident in 09) but he's at his land in arizona. he wants to get back together but he wants anal and i don't want it. not at all. plus he drinks too much but i speak with him every once in a while on the phone...
the one hole is made for the one thing and the other hole is made for the other thing...
that's my thinking anyways. painful! plus my sister donna was kidnapped and sodomized at age 9.

I have AARP medicare supplemental insurance. it's 33$ a month for dental with one time 100$ copay per annum for dental services. So i should be able to get my crown on #3 for that much instead of $573 that it would be with just Careington Dental Plan (not insurance)
Dr. Li in south Salem

 is an excellent dentist.

Contract for Safety! I am a domestic violence victim who is tired of being victimized!

DO you believe in praying in tongues like the good book says? I've been baptized in the Holy Spirit.

I want to see that tv show about the bipolar CIA agent.:)

SO, how are your teeth this morning?
bloody reconstructive era...more mass emigration than after the civil war since hurricane katrina hit in 2006. lou calls me the Master of Disaster and i am currently developing email therapy for students as part of my cohort 5 CSULB doctorate.

creepy, i sent for my transcripts from csulb and got Weatchers dob 1989 magna cum laude transcripts. some interesting classes on there:
intro to american government
the united states at war
europe since 1945 and film
Ms. Weatcher is ambitious!
degree bachelor of arts
major : human development
minor history
Nope, not me. i am liberal studies, emphasis elementary ed, CSUF and master's in educational administration CSULB> i need to return these transcripts and get mine so i can do web development at chemeketa. YOU ARE DAFT.
NAMI in my own Voice Program...
should be named NAMAPA: national alliance for the mentally and physically abused.

listening to RHCP californication
i suffer from: unilateral hearing, bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia, systems trauma, PTSD and asthma and that's it!
]I've known people who have gone toxic on lithium... and zyprexa has lawsuits against it.
social media? or sociological experiment?
Concerning freedom of speech and religion: the children's father choked me when i was listening to the radio and didn't want to turn it off...he said he was casting demons out of me, he said, "come out of her" as he choked me. now THAT's sick!
I've had plenty of doctors and lawyers i have met and learned from in the hospital and from my legal problems due to the bipolar disorder that the children's father triggered! Talk about chauvinistic pig!\
I feel ok about rachel being with him though, besides she exagerrated about me during the Miranda/neice incident and boy did i suffer the consequences!
my daughter rachel wants to be a veterinarian.
i am doing well with my budgeting!
Need: contact CTA and renew my membership...
i told the pv officer that i blog...the pen is mightier than the sword.

am developing email therapy for students!
Dr. Godwin

will copy and post on blogspot.
email to Bob:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

Beautiful Girls: by Sean Kingston

The batterer used to sing this to me. He was a bum, mooching off me. The drunk.
I thought today, "What if I had not gone to the hospital or jail since I resigned from teaching?"
Well, for one thing I wouldn't be on disability to begin with. I mean I would have it all together. This is but a symptom of the disorder. Not having one disqualifies, quite simply, the other.
You know, it's not that easy to aspire to be a writer with marijuana.
For the last four years of my strengthening resolve to become a writer, due to my, shall we say, interesting life experiences brought on by my disorder.
I kept thinking, "Oh, I can find some supplemental work online." Yet, did not want to lose my teaching credential and want to keep my record clean. A good name is worth more than gold." Proverbs.
Today I thought it would be nice to keep a rental home in oregon and return to california in 4-5 years. I also want to kayak around the world, quit cigarettes and lose 60 pounds. I am just turned last month, 38 years old.
I am catching up with every 30Rock episode. And I watch it as if I am studying the writer's mind. Just like the movie Funny Farm with Chevy Chase I watched the other day.

Does lithium cause tooth decay? No, I would say it helps cure it because it stabilizes mood, causing one to be more prone to take care of hygiene. Since I have been stable on the lithium, I have been taking care of my teeth.

I imagine myself as the writer I am, and the writer I want to become.
I imagine myself and my intuition, knowing that the pen may just be mightier than the mental disorder.
I feel the noise and vibes and emotions around me. I am Tina Fey, I tell myself, comedy writer extraordinaire.
Dad was a funny man.

If I made a sitcom it would be Dan Loves Jean. And it would be about my parent's love affair. How they met and everything. It would span 3 decades. From the beginning of the 70s to just after 9-11-01.
So every three and a half seasons it would span a decade of their marriage.

How does Tina Fey maintain that level of energy? They must live on lattes. Or massive dubes. or some mad combination of the two.who wants or needs to live like that?

In order to write comedy, imagine yourself erasing any possibility of an lol on a written sentence. Just wait, it gets funnier.
It's like telling someone not to laugh until milk comes squirting out their nose. Now that's comedy.

I'm going to shut the computer down and make my son do his homework first thing. If I don't shut it down, he's right on it.
I hate the teenage years.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

I have decided to become an aclu attorney.

It's strange how the mean, dark, prejudice people spin me manic, while the rational, educated people make me feel I can deal with life and my mental health disorder.
I think that it's important for people to keep logs and diaries of what they go through. When I first was hospitalized they did not hand out journals in the mental hospitals to patients. Now it is common place. This is as much to record feelings and growth as it is a legal journal.
I believe a writing component to the agencies who assist those with mental health disorders would be useful.
The classes for writing could be offered as follows:
WRAP: step one: write a wellness recovery action plan
Step two: blog, this creates an online legal web log/journal
Step three: facebook, this is basically an online autobiography, recording your daily thoughts and feelings.
All people with mental health diagnosis should write an autobiography. In fact, I think all people should make it their goal in their lifetime to write an autobiography.
People in old folks homes should be trained to write this way as well. Think of the treasure trove of historical dialogue we would be preserving for future generations!

Does lithium cause tooth decay? Bad oral hygiene and poor diet cause tooth decay. People who are poor and with mental health issues get early tooth decay. Everyone deserves to preserve their teeth!
Just as we deserve to preserve our oral history!

mental health depot
rebuilding america one brain at a time!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

Some people called me an angel because of what I am doing? I am on the road to recovery.
You would think that living in a location for three and a half years would finally let me get more of a sense of cohesiveness in my living situation.
Where do I live? I live just south of Brooks, Oregon where is said to have the highest concentration of mental health disorders in the nation. Well, as this is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest territory, there is no surprise there.

An angel. In times of mania I have felt that I was an angel in my mania. Is this delusion?
So why did my friends call me an angel?

I want to write a grant to get people living places who are on social security and need a place to live in. People particularly from southern California can come up and get plugged in with the many mental health resources available in Salem. Make your own position.
September 26th-29th I am going to training to be a mentor with Project ABLE. ABLE stands for a better life experience.
I want to lead writing circles. The first step would be WRAP, wellness recovery action plan, the second step would be a web log group. The third step would be autobiographical novels perhaps? I could help lead these groups.
The groups would mesh: ABLE, STEP (skills training enhancement program/DBT) and ROCC (regional outreach community program), and NA. Narcotics anonymous because cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a narcotic and a high percentage of people with mental health diagnosis have an addiction to tobacco.
STEP offers tobacco and you and tobacco reduction, ABLE offers TIPS to end smoking, ROCC has nicotine anonymous meetings, SOS has NA groups.
With these groups I will definitely have the help I need with stopping tobacco.
The idea or thought is that of a higher power. All four groups: STEP, ABLE, ROCC and SOS should address the concept of working the steps. STEP and ABLE can bypass the spiritual component but only to a point. The steps are very important for a person who has a nicotine addiction to use and follow.

So what are the STEPS, or steps and traditions of NA? Marijuana is a narcotic and a medicine.

The Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous

  1. We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.
  2. We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  3. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  4. We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  5. We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  6. We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  7. We humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
  8. We made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
  9. We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
  10. We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
  11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Tomorrow I am beginning with Step One. Instead of a sponsor I have a mentor, Dale who has worked the steps.

The Twelve Traditions
of Narcotics Anonymous

  1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on NA unity.
  2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
  3. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using.
  4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or NA as a whole.
  5. Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry the message to the addict who still suffers.
  6. An NA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the NA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, or prestige divert us from our primary purpose.
  7. Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
  8. Narcotics Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
  9. NA, as such, ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
  10. Narcotics Anonymous has no opinions on outside issues; hence the NA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
  11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.
  12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.
Are the twelve steps and traditions of NA the same as those of nicotine anonymous or nicA?

The Twelve Steps of Nicotine Anonymous

  1. We admitted we were powerless over nicotine – that our lives had become unmanageable.
  1. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  1. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  1. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  1. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  1. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  1. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
  1. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
  1. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure
    them or others.
  1. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
  1. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
  1. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to nicotine users and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

and the traditions:
The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous

  1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon Nicotine Anonymous unity.
  2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
  3. The only requirement for Nicotine Anonymous membership is a desire to stop using nicotine.
  4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Nicotine Anonymous as a whole.
  5. Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.
  6. A Nicotine Anonymous group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the Nicotine Anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.
  7. Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
  8. Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
  9. Nicotine Anonymous, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
  10. Nicotine Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the Nicotine Anonymous name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
  11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, and films.
  12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

I am feeling depressed today. When people are depressed they do not want to brush their teeth. I have not brushed my teeth yet this morning.
I do not want to go to my writer's circle. I do not want to go to sing with the choir.
So what did I do?
I called my mentor with Project ABLE, Dale. We spoke for eighteen minutes until we hung up.
I spoke with my boyfriend Steve. We are going to work on selling authority websites through
I started smoking cigarettes a couple of days ago.
I am very upset about my daughter Rachel. I am long done with my niece so I am not worried about that...
Do you feel your depression?
Are you capable of charting your moods?
There should be some sort of online mood charting would be an easy application to facebook or emails.
I think that emails are better than facebook. Facebook has this automatic sort of manic quality to it. It's like, all of a sudden, people who I thought I'd never speak to again! wooaaaah. they are still out there!
But it really should move toward the private email.

I have a master's degree in educational administration, yet do I have anything?
This morning in my car, a thought came to me, "Amy, society desperately needs you. You are highly educated. You have something to offer."\
Then, the negative thought came about why do they keep prosecuting me? I hate living in Salem Asylum sometimes.
Well, I heard that the Oregon State Hospital got 700 new beds and that if you have a misdemeanor they cannot keep you longer than a few days now. Someone from ROCC< regional outreach community center told me that.
They need more connectivity between the ROCC, ABLE and STEP. I mean seriously, why has it taken me almost three years to begin to get a little bit more comfortable with agencies designed to help me out there.
These programs, by denying easy community link in, are obviously very ineffecicntly run.
I just applied for a consultative trainer in efficiency for Pacific Efficiency. And I do so enjoy working for todays growth consultant .com just still fishing for a salaried position. The average person searches for nine months to find one in this economy.

But people are still out there working are they not?
Those with unilateral hearing, fibromylagia, asthma, bipolar disorder and PTSD. Do you need us do you want us? The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation is taking over six months to even begin helping me find a job. Is that efficient?> They are claiming that people with disabilities make better employees because they are more motivated to stay with the job once they get hired because it was even that much more difficult for them to obtain.\
So by making us wait they prove their point....suffer little ones, suffer, we will release the light at the end of the tunnel after you've learned a few more lessons about how leprous you are for being disabled. ugh. excuse my negative slant.\
And I have such a negative outlook today. Because I am depressed...
I like my new boyfriend though.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

Today is Saturday, August 20th, 2011...
So, the question is: Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?
What is lithium? What does it do for you? Some people have explained it as a naturally occuring salt. Ancient Greeks used to bathe in lithium pools to stimulate a stable mood. Lithium is the gold standard for bipolar disorder.

But enough about lithium.
Does cigarette smoking cause tooth decay? Overwhelming scientific evidence says yes, it does.
I need to get at least one implant and I cannot do that if I am a smoker. I basically had almost 42 days on the patch. Tonight, my niece was pushing all my buttons with her ADHD and refusal to get on medication. So, I went and bought some Marlboro menthol lights and smoked a few...
I am getting off track.
No, the lithium does not cause tooth decay. It causes us to remain stable so that we can make better decisions such as quitting smoking. People with mental health disorders are twice as likely to smoke cigarettes as a "normal" person.
Next Wednesday I have a medical appointment with my subscriber, Tim.
I am going to add Trazedone and Clonodine to my medicine regimine along with lithium.
Trazedone and Clonodine will help me get some sleep at night.
The Clonodine will help with high blood pressure.
I went to get on the birth control pill today at Marion County Health Department and she is one of a few medical providers who has told me that I have high blood pressure. I do not want to die of heart disease or a stroke!

So, here I am at 3:25 in the morning, thinking that I need to quit smoking.  I wanted to go to the YMCA at noon and do yoga. Now I feel like crap because I smoked and I want another one.

Is the following a fictional story or fact?
I told my niece that I never try the same tactic with people who I feel threatened by. She ran to the local pub and I went to pick her up there because she has a major drinking problem just like her mother.
I waited outside the establishment in my car. She had met a man named Robert who came out to my vehicle to tell me that my niece was sorry. He told me he sang karaoke after we engaged in conversation.
I think that Project ABLE and STEP need a karaoke machine.

I am running out of money. I need to make some sales for this company I began working for because it is commission based.
I am going out into the community and meeting with business owners. I am going to hand them my business card with
I think that by adding the personal touch, I will generate more sales.
I am excited.
My mother came to town and purchased an XBox 360 for my birthday.

I cannot stand my niece. She is really and truly ungrateful and I am sick of her shenanigans.
More than one person on the psychiatric crisis line told me that she is using me and that it is not just a condition of her ADHD.
Why, oh why, is she in denial about her medication?
 I just cannot take it anymore.

Wish me luck dear reader. I will be in touch. I sincerely need your deep felt thoughts and prayers.

*MentalHealthDepot: Rebuilding America One Brain at a Time!

Hey, don't you think the karaoke machine is a good idea?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Does Lithium Cause Tooth Decay?

Today is Thursday, August 11th, 2011.
I have been taking lithium carbonate off and on for the last four years. I had a few episodes of mania during which I was switched to depakote, zyprexa and even back to seroquel.
I am experiencing more stability on lithium. I believe this is in part due to the fact that I am no longer medicating with cannabis. I am on the minimal dose of 600 mg. However, I have had some rapid tooth decay and tonight began to wonder if the lithium had anything to do with it. I did a brief google search and found nothing medically conclusive.
I did find an interesting article however, from around two years ago, stating that the Japanese have added lithium to their water in some districts and have been experiencing a lower suicide rate. Another article stated all kinds of things that the lithium is good for.

So what has caused my rapid tooth decay? At another point I researched whether head trauma, such as beatings cause it. The research said no.

I remember my alcoholic battering boyfriend so well. He would say to me quite frequently, "I am going to bust your grill." He did almost punch me directly in the mouth once, but I ducked and he struck my forehead, causing me to blackout with a minor concussion. When i came to two days later, he told our neighbors that I was only swaying and behaving funny because I had just had brain surgery. Brain surgery, um, yeah....

What he did do to "bust my grill" was use all my money so I had nothing to go to dental cleanings with. I also slipped into such a state of depression that I stopped brushing my teeth.
He would go to get his beer and buy me a Coke slurpee or a Caramello bar every time to assuage his guilt for his alcoholism.

Thank God he is out of my life...but here is the prognosis for my teeth.

I have since learned the numbers of my teeth. I love my teeth. I have always loved eating and am on the heavier side.
I have completely lost #4 bicuspid. Actually, there is some root left, but my dentist said that he cannot build a tooth on it. I plan on leaving it in as long as possible to prevent bone structure decay, and then get an implant when I can afford it.

#19 molar in the bottom back is cracked in half but the roots appear to be in tact. The dentist said he should be able to rebuild it with a post. I hope I can come up with the money for a crown as soon as possible. This tooth has almost been broken for a year now.

I was finally able to get some dental work done by joining Careington Dental Plan and receiving monies from a disability account I paid into as a teacher, but it is not enough to support all the work I need to have done.

I had what I thought was a complete root canal done last year on tooth #14 upper molar. But apparently the dentist did not do full restoration with gutta percha and my new dentist is saying he will have to redo the entire thing.

The new dentist has began a root canal on upper right molar, tooth #3.
In addition I had deep cavities that almost needed root canals on #15, #13, #12, #2.
I had a small cavity on number 30 that has been filled.

When I was six I had a filling done on #31 and number 18. Number 18 I was about to lose benefits from my job so I foolishly had the dentist refill it when I was around 24. A tiny bit of that back molar recently cracked so I will most likely need a crown on it sometime in the relatively near future.
My gums have started bleeding and I need a deep cleaning on the top and a regular cleaning on the bottom...

The batterer got me addicted to regular soda. I have been trying to switch back to Diet as I know the sugar attracts the bacteria that creates the acid which causes decay:(.

So, does lithium cause tooth decay?
I would have to say no. It has caused me to come to a place of stability so that I can make less impulsive decisions with better judgment and get back to the place where I am making better decisions in my life, especially concerning hygiene and health.

For all of you struggling with a mental disorder I am sure that you can understand that hygiene is so important. Isn't that why they give us the hygiene kits when we go to the hospital? So that we can refocus on our bodies and not just the torment of our minds, oftentimes because we have been the victims of terrible abuse and atrocities?

Please, brush your teeth:). Dentures suck and I am doing everything I can to put a stop to the madness of losing my teeth in my mid to late thirties!!!!!

I also wish we had better dental care in America. It is outrageous that we do not. And now just paying for the more expensive mouth rinse...I think they should lower the price on that as well. And I think everyone should get free toothbrushes and paste!
As for floss, I heard it from when I was little,,,floss! Well, let me tell you I floss daily now.
Live and learn...

All Aboard the Mental Health Depot!
Choo Choo!